It has been about a week and we made some significant progress. The online order was delivered in only a few days and the delivery men were nice enough to take it all the way to the second floor. This saved me from carrying the every heavy packages myself. The left side of the closet is now mostly installed and functional.

Unfortunately some of the internal organizers I had picked out were back ordered, such as the pants hangers, so we had to make do. We tried to visit the local IKEA to purchase them, but they were also out of stock.

Here are the steps we completed so far:

We removed everything from the left half of the room. This was quite an effort for my wife, who had to sort through all the clothing and decide what to keep and what to donate or throw away. In the end, she discarded about a third of the contents.

I took down the wire-frame shelves. This was fairly straightforward. Remove everything with a electric screw-driver, and pull out the plastic plugs with pliers.

Remove baseboard. I tried to be careful and not damage the moldings, but in the end, broke them in multiple spots. But then, I realized that I may not be able to reuse it anyways.

With the help from my son, we installed seven PAX frames. It took about half a day to do. First one took the most time, about an hour. But the rest went fairly quickly, approximately 30 minutes each. IKEA provided pretty easy to follow instructions and the assembly required only screwdriver and hammer. The worst, most tedious part of the install was hammering in about 100 nails to install the closet backing.

Once the frames were up, I leveled them all and screwed them together using the provided parts. One big mistake I made was the move the cabinets with the leveling feet still down. This was a huge mistake and I ended up breaking the feet on a couple of the cabinets! That caused a huge issue and I had to use wood shims to finish the leveling. Don't make this mistake!

Here is the photo of the closet so far. I think it turned out pretty nice.

Please checkout my YouTube video of the entire process:
